Tuesday 13 January 2009

One new thing a day...

Stale is probably the best way to describe the energy flow around my office workspace recently. I've felt this for a while but despite being aware of this niggle, for some reason today was the day I did something about it. Why? Well why not? To be fair, it probably has a lot to do with the Feng Shui article I skimmed over last night, it seemed to give me an idea as to how to re-arrange the room.

Three hours and two bin fulls of rubbish later, the 'move' was complete. Looking pretty good, a little bit 'white' but nothing a few strategically positioned plants and pictures can't resolve. Must say, feeling rather pleased...I wonder if it's a bit like the saying 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away'...will one new thing a day keep the imagination at play?

Pressing Pause

Pause. Gather your thoughts. Do you recognise where you are? Is it where you want to be? Indeed, is this where you need to be? If not, then come on, stop procrastinating!